Facilities Management Assurance Service (FMAS)
for the Defence infrastructure organisation (dio)
Ministry of defence (MoD)
Capabilities: Strategy, User Research, UX Design, UI Design, Service Design, Prototyping, User testing, Design System, Agile, Digital Transformation
Tools: Sketch, Invision
Timeline: 2020-21
For obvious reasons project outputs are not shown here, but a brief description of my activities on the project is given below.
This was a full-cycle Discovery to Live project to transform a set of paper-based facilities management assurance inspection tasks into a responsive digital service based on the GDS Design System.
I was the sole researcher/designer on the project and also fulfilled some Business Analyst and Product Owner responsibilities, as these functions were not available to the team. The service went live after 3 months from a standing start, has been very well received by users and stakeholders. It has delivered significant value to DIO - time on task for assurance inspections has been reduced by up to 40%, giving a 5% overall time saving for Facilities Managers and a 300K p/a reduction in costs, as well as removing the need to train new staff in assurance inspections.
A case study for this project is available on the 6point6 website.
After conducting an initial stakeholder workshop to define the problem, capture stakeholder pain points and set goals, I delivered a programme of User Research, shadowing and interviewing users conducting assurance checks with the existing process, at a range of MoD sites across the UK. Each research finding was indexed, making it easy to reference them and track their contribution across the project, as part of an evidence-based design process.
I processed research results into several key deliverables for the project team and stakeholders:
Pain Points
Detailed User Journeys
Research Insights
Opportunities to extend the service and deliver greater value in subsequent iterations
Building on the research insights, I developed designs for key screens using GDS components, but adapting and extending them as necessary, to meet user and enterprise needs. Later iterations of screens were integrated into prototypes for user and key stakeholder review. Final prototypes were shared with developers to support building prototypes in code, which were deployed to the cloud for user testing on an iPad, the target device, in real usage contexts at MoD sites.
I delivered screen flows, detailed UI designs for components and screens, a colour palette based on the GDS Design System and a Typography specification to developers. I worked very closely with the developers to review their progress, iron out issues and make trade-offs where necessary, without compromising user needs or the integrity of the interface.
Live and post-live
The service went Live after 3 months and is very successful.
I spent some time in H2 2020 designing enhancements to the service and in H1 2021, I’ve been designing extensions to the service I highlighted in the Opportunities deliverable.